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Imposed Representations

There have been many instances where I have been subject to other people's imposed representations. One reoccurring representation that comes to mind is based on my appearance, more specifically my height. There have been many instances where people have referred to me as the "tall one". Since I am quite tall, many people automatically think I am good at sports like Volleyball and Basketball. When meeting new people, one of the first comments they make is "wow you're so tall, do you play basketball or volleyball?". I find this quite ironic because as I have played many sports throughout my life, I have never been good at either of those sports. I believe the source of this imposed representation is due to media representations. There is a strong correlation between sports and height portrayed in the media. I believe that individuals see this relation and compare me to these representations automatically thinking I would be good at these sports. I often dis-identify with this imposed representation by explaining how many people have previously asked me the same questions and that I do not play either sport, nor am I good at either sport.

There are numerous misrepresentations that exist in the media. The media and pop culture are strong mediums that can be used to relay messages and influence individuals. Stack & Kelly state, "news and pop culture are both infused with possibilities for resistance as well as conformity and accommodation" (Stack & Kelly, 2006). With that being said, since the media is so powerful, it can be used to educate individuals both positively and negatively. Although it can be used to educate individuals, often the messages portrayed are conformed to dominant societal norms, which can as a result hinder the representations of specific groups of people. After watching the Reel Injun film, it is evident that there are numerous misrepresentations in the media. This movie focused on the postcolonial lens that exists in the media. This movie gave us insights into the way Indigenous people are represented in Hollywood movies and television. Many of these Indigenous people were portrayed in a negative light. There were stereotypical images and character roles that actors played that often were inaccurate perceptions of indigenous people and their life experiences. In this case, the media has imposed stereotypical representations about Indigenous people, which as a result has created many negative perceptions of these individuals.

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